How to place the panoramic wallpaper?

You have Choose a magnificent panoramic furniture ! You are motivated for Put it alone ! Before acting, you needbe reassured And guide in this New experience … as I understood you, a few months ago, I found myself in Same situation … in this article, I see you again All the steps To be successful to Place the panoramic wallpaper ! I also share mine Small «special budget» deposit Choose a panoramic card !

The material can be expected to position the panoramic wallpaper

Before starting the practical phase, you must check you have in your possession All Necessary material deposit success. Here is a List of equipment to be provided :

How to place the panoramic wallpaper?

  • Escabeau or table
  • tape
  • level
  • cutter
  • Rule or folder
  • Brush, brush or roller + tank
  • Clean cloth + sponge
  • Paper glue (I recommend the brand Quilyd)

Steps to follow

To know : most Panoramic backgrounds (and other backgrounds) are 100% privacythat is to say that the laying is made by Simple wall gluing. And this is more good news! Get out of the Lide table! Suddenly, the Installation of the background East Accessible for everyone and with Small material !

Prepare the Les background

In my case, My panoramic wallpaperbrand Ninon documentsarrived roller. So I started with Cut each card (7 for the chosen model). The brand thinks of everything because it is enough Cut according to the lines outlined provided for this purpose. Furthermore, Every is numbered to her. A kids game for this first step!


Your Mur must be Smooth, dry, clean and without dust. Place all lesions next to each other to check the position of the panoramic furniture (I recommend checking the size of the furniture before validating its purchase while explaining This article). Deposit be able to lay THE First the of paper, it is necessary trace What is called the APPLOM line. Use a pencil of paper and track a vertical line. This will serve you how benchmark for the first.

Grow and then put

So thanks to a brush oa brush, Create only your wall. Make sure you do it uniform Starting from the area for the first. I used the Paste all the wallpaper From Cityd! I found it great! The small particularity of this glue: she is Pink to the application and it becomes White with drying ! So, rather practical in order Identify for the glued wall. Once there applied glue, Place your stupid starting from at the top of the wall (Let out some paper above) and do encounter one of lateral edges with yours vertical section (In principle, the installation is made from the left).


Deposit Marouflerthis to say Chase Air BubblesIt is advisable Begins with the center of the Le. I used a clean cloth To die because my card was quite thick. Depending on the case, you can use a Delicate brush (naked) for Maroufler. On the subject, I advise you to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Then using a governed and cutteryou can Cut the upper edges, then lower. I recommend using a file Plir. It is a small object that I use in scrapbooking. As the name suggests, it is used to fold the paper ! I used it forever Marks my folds. Therefore, a single passage of cutter was necessary! Memician and clean guarantees of result!

Then it is necessaryDelete the glue surplus with wet sponge ANDclean water. And here you are, your first les of panoramic wallpaper is laid! Congratulations to you!
Repeat All These steps with All Les of panoramic backgrounds and that up to the last !

Some brands … and my «small budget».

Some brands

Thanks to my work as an interior decorator, I was able to discover Some brands of panoramic backgrounds. Here is the selection What advice:

  • Ninon documents : Creator and producer of backgrounds but not only … (made in France)
  • Isidore Leroy : Two technical methods handmade for the production of their backgrounds
  • Ananbô : French house, family, independent and creative
  • Muralconcept : Wide range of backgrounds, more resistant and durable based on water -based inks
  • Return : Very wide choice including for children (Disney, Star Wars, etc.)

Tip «small budget»

As promised, I see you again My little advice in order you are happy with panoramic furniture While doing Pay attention to your budget ! In fact, we are honest, a quality panoramic furniture has a certain cost … remember to take a small tour from time to time Veepee !

I found my beautiful panoramic card during a Veepee saltalmost 60% reduction Compared to the initial price! Of course, I did not choose it on a whim because the price was attractive! I had the idea for a long time in the style of the panoramic furniture that I wanted to install in my room! And in my case, I wanted to keep my furniture as much as possible and my small decoration. It was therefore necessary that my furniture was in perfect harmony with the rest of my room. If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend this article to Choose your panoramic card.

Congratulated yourself and admire your work

Whaoo !! Exceptional ! You have finished installing your panoramic background !! Congratulated yourself! And above all, Admire the result ! You can be proud of yourself!

I invented a little Before / after animated With my panoramic furniture! Have fun seeing the Final result !

I remember the proven joy When I’m done My first poses of panoramic furniture. Not only did I find the Magnificent furniture ! There is panoramic paper literally Transformed my room … I wanted this too decorations May Take the eye From my corridor e Make you want to go see What is going on at the bottom of this corridor … So, a successful bet? I let you look at the photos below and give me your opinions in the comments.

But above all, I was Too happy to have put it alone ! Of course, there are some small flaws (a hair brush that has slipped under the paper or a mini day between two paper lesions)! But, I admit it, it’s just me to see these mini defects …

AND encourages you strongly a Your launch Because you will get a double satisfaction Making the pose alone! So, ready to install panoramic backgrounds? Do not hesitate to share Yours Returns of the experience In the comments or what prevents you from acting. Until we meet again!

Good furniture for you ! And above all, don’t forget! Most important AND Creation A furniture Who Do you like it and who You look like you ! Ah! I forgot, if this tried to you, I invite you to do it joint lol Facebook group Exchange around the furniture, your ideas, your questions or even your problems … to join the group, it’s very simple, you just have to do it Click here !

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