internship week in interior decoration

I want to know as a week of Internship for interior decorations ? You will discover in this article the Sorall of an internship a week and the heard of a trainee. This article will allow you to have the point of view of a class 3 traineeth on the Profession of interior decorator And on the progress of this week.

Who am I?

I will introduce myself very briefly. My name is Victoria, I am a student of 3th who loves decoration and who decided to do a Observation internships on the Profession of interior decorator. During my research, I found the company «Breathing and decorated» that accepted me as an intern for a week. So I made a week’s internship in The Breatir & Decora Agency with as an internship teacher: Caroline Goujon, interior decorator.

Presentation of the profession

internship week in interior decoration

What is the Profession of interior decorator ? This profession is to develop housing spaces taking into account the tastes of the customer and the budget indicated. The interior decorator takes care of the aesthetic side of a space. It gives advice on the combination of colors, materials and styles. Creation 2D and 3D plans on paper and /or computer. So, it will show projects to customers explaining the choice of this supply, materials and colors. An interior decorator can create its own activity (self -employed state) or being an employee of an agency.

Example of a project carried out during my week of internship in interior decoration

What did I do during my week of internship?

We worked on a Salone development project. I was able to make moodboard to represent the atmosphere of the room in my greatest pleasure. Here is the moodboard:

My point of view on the profession of interior decorator

If you are a Decorated with decorationThis job is for you.

The personal qualities necessary to do this work are:

  • creativity
  • the organization
  • Project management capacity
  • The sense of listening
  • benevolence
  • respect
  • trust
  • The meaning of communication
  • have a vision of the future
  • versatility
  • curiosity
  • logic
  • And to finish having the concern for details

When we see the list of Personal quality requiredIt can be a little frightening but I start from the principle that if you are passionate about decoration and that you are organized, you can do this job.

That is to say: This work is very popular at the moment. You can see many things on the Internet about it. For example, in a video game called: «Sims4»You can access the career as an interior decorator. I find that in the game it is rather detailed and I think it can make young people want to do this job.
Discover the «Sims4»

Will I do this job later?

This work would surely adapt, but I don’t think I do this job later. I would like to discover other types of exchanges before embarking on internal decoration. It adapts to the working method but also at the work to be done. But I think he made me find out what I like and what I don’t like in the ways of working.

My opinion on the internship week in interior decoration

My general impressions are very positive. In fact, I really liked this discovery course. I found it very enriching both professional and personal. I also had the opportunity to have a fantastic internship master who sent me his passion through this week of discovery. Thanks to this week, I discovered many software that will surely need me later, but I discovered in particular the importance of being organized in this profession.

I still thank Caroline for welcoming me and for having made me discover his work by transmitting his passion for interior decoration.

The little word of the end

I am pleased to have left the blog pen in Victoria, my young intern who spent a week at the agency by my side to discover the profession of the interior decorator. This experience was very rewarding for me. I had a real pleasure in the exchange with Victoria, a very mature and very applied girl. He made an excellent internship ratio with an excellent note of 20/20.

Being able to welcome a young third student in my agency had a lot of meaning for me. Do you want to know why? At the age of 14, I already knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life: Interior Designer ! 25 years ago, to choose this professional path it was not completely recommended for me … so I followed another path to return to my first love for the professional redevelopment of the years later … in my opinion, it is therefore very important to give To our young people the time to help them find their professional path!

Information in + : Since the beginning of 2023, I have not been able to welcome young people for their 3rd year discovery internship. While I receive many requests on a daily basis, I seemed to import them to report it here. Good research to all young people! This is also an opportunity to specify that the Respire & Décores Agency does not currently have a job to fill in: both for alternation and for permanent requests. So I was asked, I can’t respond to all application requests. I apologize in advance. Thanks for understanding!

And above all, don’t forget! Most important AND Creation A furniture Who Do you like it and who You look like you ! Ah! I forgot, if this tried to you, I invite you to do it joint lol Facebook group Exchange around the furniture, your ideas, your questions or even your problems … to join the group, it’s very simple, you just have to do it Click here !

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