You want delimit the spaces At your home. Only here, you are tenant It is impossible for you to perform some renovation work In your accommodation. You might be ownerBut Hey, put Plat, create the strips of plagus joints, so paint or line …, in a short time you are not at all tempted by work! Guess a little? : I have a Solution for you ! A removable partition without piercing! And yes, it’s completely possible! In this article, you will discover Three suggestions deposit Separate your housing spaces without piercing.
Furniture in the library
THE First advice I offer you to Separate your housing spaces It is the installation of A Furniture in the library. Preferably choose to furniture Instead high and wide Looking for the Good stability of this. You will therefore have the true feeling of a partition with the advantage that this furniture can be moved according to your desires! And «Glassing on the cake», in addition to his separation function spaces, this Furniture in the library it will be of great use for you for ranger Your many books, decorative objects, board games … you can also find Some inspirations In the Mood Board Presented below. If you do not find your happiness in the trade, know that it is also possible to create a tailor -made furniture using some wooden axes, for example.
Shelf with plants: a removable partition without piercing
Second council deposit delimit your housing spaces : the installation of A shelf you have on Many plants ! The idea is Take inspiration from the vegetable wallTo let the vegetation within your interior. THE green plantsREAL Decoration objectsit will also bring you Many advantages deposit your health And Your well -being ! Also, you can find an article in which I give you a Not very advice deposit Clean your green plants ! Some Inspirations of the shelves with plants In the Mood Board under. Purified or on the contrary full of plants, it is up to you to see what Best suits you !
And here is the Last council for Removable partition without piercing OR Presque ! : TheInstallation of Vaile or from separation curtains. Air, fluids as highlighted by the photos presented below, this trick with veil or curtains it can be a Real resource In Your interior decoration. So think about it! Ok, ok! It will still be necessary Pierce Some little holes To fix a metal cable for example or a curtain auction. Enough feasibleAlso for the rent, compared to the laying of Plat and all the following passages!
Hoping that these Three suggestions it will have been usefulas well Inspirations presented !
Do not hesitate to leave me Your opinions In the comments!
See you soon and Good furniture for you ! Ah! I forgot, if this tried to you, I invite you to do it joint lol Facebook group Exchange around the furniture, your ideas, your questions or even your problems … to join the group, it’s very simple, you just have to do it Click here !
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