In your accommodation you are in contact with different Materialsboth in terms of floor, walls and furniture. To ensure your health and protect yourself from toxic emanations, you must pay particular attention to choice death Materials. We consider that a material is ecological When composed of
Natural materials whose exploitation is preserved the environment And it produces small waste. In the end, if you lend itself to recycling It is a perfect material in ecological terms.
Today these ecological materials are present in the construction of accommodation, in theirs Thermal/phononic insulation And of course in the decoration.
As for the decoration, it is eco-responsible When she:
- Choose Ecological materials For your coatings of sol And walls.
- offers objects and furniture recycledshot, renewed.
- favors decoration elements and furniture made by Natural materials (Wood, stone, slate, earth, bamboo, cork, linen …) Read our article: linen in linen, all about this natural material.
- requests local craftsmen who use ecological materials.
Wall coating
The first material we think we decorate a wall is of course the painting. There are many Ecological paintings whose components allow the walls and occupants of the accommodation to breathe. Among these paintings on distinguishing:
- Water paintings which is the main solvent. But the pigments of these paintings can contain heavy metals. We prefer them:
- THE Natural paintings. Are made by linen oil o Ricino, soy, cellulose, plaster, natural rubber, casein and
natural pigments. They are European certificates or NF Ecolabel. Environment. - Paintings a lime or AT clay.
- The stains and paints made Bee or fruits of citrus fruits for external woods.
THE Natural ecological paintings They are slightly more expensive than traditional paintings containing toxic solvents, but their price remains convenient and above all their quality is excellent. Decor Zo Soul has established a partnership with Pure & Paint to offer you plants paintings for your interiors made up of renewable raw materials.
There are still others Natural materials To cover and decorate your walls. There is in particular:
- THE Bois placed in panels.
- THE Liege Raw or smooth that offers an interesting color palette in the decoration (gray green, brown, ocher or bronze). This
material has many qualities: rotfire and wear, insulating Thermal and sound, antistatic (dust does not enter it and is not a driver). - THE ecological wallpaper. It is labeled PEFC (Pan European Forest Certification) or FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), i.e. printed on paper Sustainable gestured forests. It is an undeclared document that emits less vos (volatile organic compounds) and whose printing is labeled «Imprimert» (solventless ink, the waste of printers collected by organizations approved to be recycled). Installation made with solventless glue.
2-the floor
Among the coatings of the ecological floor, we have the choice between:
- calculation
- slate
- THE wooden parquet massive (without glued or laminated wood).
- Bamboo parquet, natural or paint. It resists humidity and mold.
- THE Linoleum (not to be confused with PVC linen). Very fashionable for its ecological aspect. It is composed linen oilwood, cork e
pigmentEverything is therefore in a hurry on an Iuta canvas. Completely natural, resistant, easy to maintain, healthy and antibacterial. - The fibers of Coco Coming from the coconut, they are treated and handbags. The coconut floor is a little rigid but very resistant.
- The fibers of sisal Extracted from the AGAVE. Excellent cold insulation. Regulates the humidity of a part. Sold in the movie as a carpet or on a carpet. However, delicate poses that require the intervention of a professional accustomed to the installation of the vegetable carpet.
- THE seafood : 100% floors natural fibersAvailable for sale on rugs, rugs and slabs. Aesthetics, green, economic.
Eco-sensitive decoration on the side of furniture, accessories and costume jewelery:
THE Eco-sensitive decoration It is not a style.
Eco-sensitive decoration is an approach ethics respect the environment.
That’s why it adapts to the style of your interior, whatever it is!
If respect for the environment begins with the choice of Ecological materialscontinues in the will to recycler objects/furniture e
reduce THE consumption. No consumerism in the eco-sensitive decoration … so let’s forget the days of the «Black Friday»!
A décor zé soul:
- You are not encouraged to useless work/purchases.
- We offer you renew Your furniture or your grandmother to put them updated or customize.
- We invite you to hunting To give the objects of a second life Flea market.
- We suggest you Natural materials like the Lin For curtains, cushions, tablecloths and bed linen or bamboo For your suspensions and even your dishes.
- We participate Energy saving By suggesting the change in your traditional and compact LEDs and fluorescent bulbs.
- Let’s give a favorite place to green plants which have a double virtue: that of the apparition and that of purifying the air by absorbing the environmental carbon dioxide.
- We inform you of a list of brands that market natural products AND Ecological materials.
- We contact you with craftsmen who use ecological materials.
- We have solutions for all budgets: furniture in cardboard it is cheap, very fashionable and has the advantage of being recyclable.
Professionals or individuals, you will find eco-sunshable decoration tips for the Zé soul furnishings that will offer your ideas, your advice and offer you a style respecting your personality and your budget. Do not hesitate to contact us.
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