For 2023, the designers have unique proposals for our kitchens, with significant differences compared to the trends of previous years. The colors in the kitchen in 2023 will sometimes be more courageous, but the classic in black and white, but the grays also remain today. The opaque plots will replace the shiny ones and, in terms of materials, the combinations between wood and cement or metal and stone will be in trends.
The shades in a 2023 kitchen will be darker, so that the renovation or renovation-if you want to be on a trend becomes a rather difficult challenge, because you must consider the size and structure of the kitchen.
The designers also turn our attention to the use of Recyclable materials In the arrangement of the kitchens, but also in the other rooms of the house. Moreover, Green House They have become a general concern in recent years, being the normal direction in the evolution and protection of the world in which we live. In this sense, we advise you to use all the wood in the kitchen, not only for the furniture, but also for the walls. For example, you can create a wall of emphasis, with decorative panels Made of wood, as in the image below. The closed shade of wood was balanced with white furniture and floor.
Then we will tell you what the colors for the kitchen are and how to choose them according to the size of that of your home.
The colors of 2023 for kitchens
For 2023, designers recommend a unitary design throughout the house. Therefore, for the kitchen, the designated shades will be used to a large extent The colors of the year in interior design. However, it should be borne in mind that this room has a certain specificity and you will naturally have to introduce household appliances and cook, without creating screeching accents.
Black and white, separately or together, will be widely used in the kitchens of 2023. There are classic solutions, which will always remain trendy, which give you the opportunity to create combinations with natural plots that dominate the future in interior design. For example, this white furniture kitchen was «balanced» with the walls decorated with a camera that represents a braid with banana leaves.
Aqua is one of the colors of 2023 in the interior design, being a blue with marine accents, towards turquoise. The shades of green are also trendy. Therefore, a cuisine in which these colors are used will be in fashion. Feienance It is the classic material for the arrangement of a kitchen and in this image you can see the extraordinary effect that these plates have in turquoise shades, in combination with the wooden work surface.
Gray – from the lightest shadow to what is approaching black – is also a choice of designers for the following year, whether it is exposed on the walls or furniture.
A kitchen arranged with a background in which several gray tones were used, which «borrowed» one of these shades and a granite work surface – is elegant and, very important, will last very well, so you can leave aside The redevelopment plans in the coming years.
Depending on the tastes, you can use in the kitchen and yellow lemon, but also the red colors, which are more demanding and which require more serious agreements to be classified naturally in the kitchen.
How to choose the colors in the kitchen based on the size of the room
Obviously, in the kitchen the colors must be chosen according to its size. The general rule is this: in a generous space you can use darker, even dark shades, while in a small cuisine you have to be on guard from them and move on to a brighter chromatic range.
The creation of contrasts is, however, a makeup that will visually expand your space and you can also call it in the situation in which the room has rather modest dimensions.
Then we will tell you how the walls, furniture and accessories can be in the kitchen, depending on its size.
In a generous space, you can have walls in darkness, even black, but the condition is not to exaggerate. The walls in the most pronounced and dark colors are very elegant, if highlighted. Create a contrast with white or colorful furniture.
In this image, the main wall of the kitchen was decorated with a photo of the kitchen that represents windows with black carpentry and with a vision towards a tropical garden, for which shades of greenery were used. The wall of color in pregnancy was balanced with white furniture.
In a small cuisine, it uses light and bright colors for the walls, to create a wider sensation. White is a variant, but if you choose to contrast with a shade of gray, the effect will be even stronger. In this kitchen arranged with white and gray, the walls combine in a simple and elegant way of the two shades.
As for the material from which the kitchen furniture is made, the trends of the year place the wood in the upper part of the list of preferences, the natural materials are, as I said, in the trends. A wooden furniture will be suitable for a large kitchen, but also for a small, of course, dark shades are suitable for the first variant.
Even glass, metal and granite are in trends, so the elements of furniture with glass doors are back today, which leave the objects inside.
The wooden and granite false ceilings will be a «must» in 2023. They can be combined with white or gray furniture in small kitchens, but also with dark or even black furniture.
In general, when it comes to furniture, do combinations of shades or plots. The effect will be a special, elegant and current.
As for the accessories, in the kitchen they consist, largely, in the equipment with which to use. Choose a little metal, in stainless steel: they are trendy.
Put a color stain using chairs in different colors compared to what it has.
The lighting is very important in a kitchen. Choose carefully Lighting bodieskeeping the design line from the rest of the room and choosing trendy materials. For example, this lamp suspended in Rattan is the ideal option for the main lighting in a kitchen, regardless of the colors you used in the arrangement. Ratan is a natural material that «wonders» will be combined in any furniture.
And since we have reached this chapter, we tell you that the curtains are a useless accessory in a 2023 kitchen. Leave the window free, to leave the natural light inside. If, however, he feels the need for protection for the days with a lot of sun, choose some discrete curtains, made with natural materials.
You discovered what are the colors for a modern cuisine and you gave you some suggestions on how they can be used and combined in order to create a modern and elegant space. We hope you will help you organize the space you dream of.
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