How to decorate your home room. Ideas of arrangement

The new school year is approaching and many high school students or students who continue their studies away from home are preparing to move to a room in the house for at least a year. If you are in this situation, you probably think how to decorate your room to become pleasant and practical.

The arrangement of a small space It can be demanding … most of the accommodation spaces in students or students are furnished, they have white and cold walls, so it is necessary to make some changes to feel «at home». But you have to pay attention to this aspect, because you can share the room with at least one person and have a series of rules.

We come to your support, we give you some design ideas for the fireplace and we tell you which are the objects that are absolutely necessary for your new home. In addition, we will tell you how you can make the most of any space in the limited place you have at your disposal.

Rules you need to follow in the arrangement of the house room

Even if you have prepared yourself financially for this moment and, in theory, you could completely change the room, in practice things are a little different and, most likely, you will have to limit yourself to minimum agreements, because your new house will arrive in the package with one Quite restrictive series of rules.

How to decorate your home room. Ideas of arrangement

Before you put yourself at work, here’s what you need to find out:

Discover the rules of the «game»

First of all, you have to find out what the rules of the domestic administration are. These differ from one case to another. In some places you may be allowed for any agreement, but in most rooms the changes will be very limited, because it is taken into account that in a year it is possible to host another tenant, with different desires. For example, in some houses, the walls must remain white and therefore you have to think about the decorative elements that you can take once you go. In others, you cannot beat on the walls for the paintings and the floor must remain as it is. Therefore, ask what the rules are for the first time, to know what to do.

If you divide the room with another person, it is very important to take into account his desires, even if the provisions you think are limited to the space you occupy. Talk first with your colleague or colleague and make decisions together.

The necessary things you need to consider

Before leaving the house, make a list of things that are absolutely necessary and choose them carefully, because in a room at home useful objects can also play an important decorative role, which will change your environment.

Therefore, you will have to bring two linen with you to have an exchange. I give up the white ones and choose some beautifully colorful: they will cheer the room. The same proceeds in the case of the blankets. Take your home cushions, a pilot and towels, you will need it.

Also, o Office lamp It will be absolutely necessary for the evenings where you study late. Choose a cheerful and modern one, because this object will be added to the design of the room. The Mingle office lamp is suitable for an extremely useful fireplace, because it is mobile and allows you to straighten the flow of light where you need it.

Also, one clock The awakening will be useful and will have an important decorative role in a fence in which the space is limited. Choose one with a classic model, but in cheerful colors.

I did an inventory of the objects absolutely necessary in a room. Obviously, depending on your concerns, the list can be increased, but carefully, because you have to keep in mind that your temporary home has a limited space.

Buy only easy things to move

When you reach the room, you will most likely discover that certain objects are missing, even absolutely necessary furniture. In this case, you have to think about taking some easy, because at the end of the school year you return home and it is unlikely that they take up the same room in the next year.

Our advice is to choose folding chairs and tables, policies suspended for books and, if you want something to relax, an PUF chair. There are light objects, which are quickly packed and that you can transport without problems in the car.

Invest in accessories that help you organize the space

As I said above, it is possible that the furniture with which the camera is inadequate for all the things necessary in everyday life. You will probably have a wardrobe for clothes and a bedside table, but you will also need storage space for books or all types of personal items. You can well organize all things if you use policies suspended for books and storage boxes for clothes you use in the next season or footwear. Choose some colorful, combined with what you have in the room.

How do you decorate your home room. Ideas that will help you feel like at home

To feel as comfortable as much as possible and create your environment with which you are used to home, call simple decoration tricks. You can completely change the appearance of the camera with small touches. Here’s what you can do to create an environment as pleasant as possible, without crowding the room.

A perduile accent

As I said, most of the rooms have white walls. It would be suitable if the space was also large and you would have colored sofas, armchairs and decorative objects that will create your cheerful and youthful atmosphere you want. However, you can completely change «air» with a single accent wall, with which you can organize with yourself wallpaper OR decorative panels.

For example, this background printed with vintage indicator plates will create a pleasant and modern environment.

The decorative panel is an even more modern variant for the arrangement of a wall of accent. For example, these decorative panels from spongeVery versatile and playful, they are ideal for a change that will delight you. The variety of shapes and colors offers you the opportunity to create unique design and give a new image to the camera.

These panels are very light, made of polyurethane foam covered by a layer of microfiber in the nylon reminiscent of velvet and among the practical benefits there is the ability to isolate the sound.

The space under the bed

In a room of modest size, as well as most fireplaces, each centimeter is important, so you have to find solutions to capitalize on every space you have available.

For example, the space under the bed always remains free, but you can organize a mini-deposit there.

Enter boxes, notebooks and other objects that you use less and in order to release a precious space elsewhere.

The space above the bed

It also uses the space above the bed, where you can install small shelves to display dear objects. Also, if you made you from the agreement It remains a piece of wallpaperTake a painting. There are two small tricks through which you can create cute furniture in the room.


Most likely, your homemade room will be equipped with a standard wardrobe with a single shelf and a hook bar. It is absolutely necessary to use all the space you offer optimally, so we advise you to buy some shelves to organize the entire wardrobe. Also use the space above the wardrobe: you can put the boxes with the clothes you use next season.

The office

Use intelligently all the space you offer to your office or table in the room. Above put a panel to view your program and photos with your loved ones. If you have too little drawers or are completely dispersed, buy a small wardrobe, like a bedside table, in which you will be able to keep your writing tools, stationery items. Therefore, the space on the desk remains free to do your homework.

The refrigerator

The refrigerator you have in the room will be small, so you have a space above it that you can use. Put the microwave oven there, if you have or intend to buy or a drawing set. Also, decorate it in such a way as to integrate into the room. For example, you can attack a cheerful colorful background on the door.

Storage spaces suspended on the walls

Create your storage spaces suspended on the walls, you will keep the free and bright room. Suspended policies and shelves can be installed or simply use wooden or reconditioned wooden boxes.


It is very likely that it is necessary to buy a chair, because these pieces degrade faster, especially if used for different generations. Take a «bag of bean bag» chair which is very comfortable and, at the same time, cheerful. It is also a very easy object due to the material from which it is made and at the end of the year you can bring it with you.

These are some practical and simple ideas to organize a house room where you want to have all comfort and a pleasant environment. We hope to be useful for you and we will help you feel at home in the temporary house.

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