Organize a kitchen like a magazine in a house on Earth

The arrangement of the kitchen in a house on the ground follows other rules in one of the apartments and gives you the opportunity to achieve a truly spectacular magazine result. In a house you choose the positioning of the rooms as you want, because the water and gases are independent and you can bring them where you want, without depending on the neighbors, and this is an incredibly high advantage that you must take advantage to organize your kitchen that dreams.

In this article we arrive with a series of suggestions for the organization of a home kitchen, depending on its size and shape. We will also tell you what the styles of interior design suitable for the kitchen, which will transform it into an elegant and personality room, What colors are trendy And which furniture to choose. In addition, we will give you some tips on the furnishing of the walls that will help you give the precious and sophisticated air you want in this room.

Interior design styles suitable for organizing a kitchen as a magazine in a house on the ground

Before starting the provision, it is very important to set a direction and opt for a particular style, for a unitary design. Depending on the chosen style, it will subsequently select the colors used, the decoration of the walls and furniture. Here are the design styles suitable for organizing a domestic cuisine, depending on its size.

Large cuisine

In a large kitchen, the options are practically unlimited and here the decision can be made based on your tastes. Since the current trend is the proximity of nature and everything that is natural or recyclable, you can orient yourself Rustic style with modern accents that use a lot of wood in its natural state, or vintagewho resort to many precious materials and elegant finishes.

If you like the simplest decorations, then you should turn your attention to classic and modern styles, which use limited palettes of simple but elegant colors and plots.

Small cuisine

Organize a kitchen like a magazine in a house on Earth

For a smaller or even small kitchen there are two suitable styles: minimalist and Scandinavian. Both use multifunctional elements, simple but practical decorations and place a great emphasis on light spaces.

The minimalist style provides for a clean and orderly design, which integrates only useful elements. The general image is bright and organized, the furniture is simple, without decorative elements, possibly in a single color. The Scandinavian style is somehow similar, but here there is a greater emphasis on natural elements, such as wooden furniture.

Colors recommended this year for the kitchen design

Current trends recommend a palette rich in Colors for the kitchen. The classic shades in black and white and neutral, like the color of the wood, at least in 2023, are very fashionable and gray, which, in the same way, are The colors of the year. For more friendly and delicious kitchens, the designers also arrived more bold proposals, such as blue, green, turquoise and even pink, orange and red.

In other words, a current cuisine can have colors or combinations of different colors, but they must also be chosen according to its size.

Large cuisine

A large cuisine gives you the opportunity to «play» with more intense shades, if you want it. The accent walls are in trends and here you can create one in which black prevails, if you wish. And an example in this regard is reason Subsequently, from the collection Rebellious wallsWith black swans, on a matte black background.

The furniture was balanced with white furniture and metal details.

In other words, in a large kitchen you can use any color from those listed above, but it is important to resort to combinations, if it is black, black or neutral, because otherwise the furniture would become boring.

Small cuisine

In a small cuisine it is advisable to resort to lighter and bright shades, to increase the feeling of space. The first impulse will be to turn your attention to white, but be careful to combine it with a brighter and more lively color. Too white will give a cold and hostile air.

Fortunately, the colors of the year inside, the yellow and gray design, are perfect for organizing a small kitchen, but also the light tones of green and blue.

You can give a small kitchen a special character if you organize one of the walls decorative wood panels. With this very modern model produced by Cubes The cuisine will seem sensational, even if the space is too small to integrate decorative effect elements.

The decoration of the walls in a home kitchen

Since you want an elegant house and personality, we suggest you give up the classic wall decoration variants – porcelain and washable paint – and turn your attention to more modern solutions that will bring value to design.

The designers now prefer the background and Phototapet in the kitchenBecause they have more refined plots and because they are available in colors and special motifs, which can create the unique furniture you are looking for.

Other options can also be decorative wooden panels or 3D panelsSugar cane fiber, but also natural leather wallpaper.

Large cuisine

For a kitchen with generous dimensions, absolutely all the variants listed above are valid options. In addition, each area of ​​the kitchen – kitchen, meal – can be organized differently, with distinct materials and colors. An excellent idea is to create a wall of emphasis, which will become the center of attraction. And you can do better with the help of a photo. In the image below, the kitchen decorated in a modern style, in neutral shades, is animated by the accent wall created with this background in the collection Incorporationwhich includes a collage of drawings with the theme of dinner, on a background of vibrant red.

Natural leather wallpaper is a luxury material, suitable for magazine agreements. In the next example, the leather wallpaper in the Enzo Pellini collection was used to decorate the wall that incorporates the appliances and for the island.

Small cuisine

For a small kitchen, the background and 3D decorative panels are the excellent variants, to create a decoration of a magazine. panels WallartMade of sugar cane fiber, it is a fresh and modern design. Once mounted, the panels create a repetitive model that is reproduced with lights and shadows. This material has become a very powerful trend in interior decorations.

The wallpaper is perhaps the most useful variant for the decoration of the walls in a spectacular way even in a small kitchen. In the image below, with an extremely small kitchen, in which it was used in very gray – a trendy color, which adapts well to small spaces – the background that wears the walls, from the collection SandbergIt maintains the same chromatic line, but the discreet floral motif animates the atmosphere.

Choose furniture to organize a kitchen in a house

The furniture of a kitchen can be a complicated mission, because we often want to have everything, even if the space is small or structured in a shape that allows more difficult to include some elements of furniture. Subsequently we will give you some reference parameters that will help you effectively provide your cuisine.

Large cuisine

In a big kitchen you can afford anything. You have room for the correct arrangement of the cooking space, but also for the meal area. These can be separated from a high type of bar, to create a balance of furniture. At the same time, you can mount an island, which can have a double destination: cuisine and breakfast.

The furniture can be distributed on the walls relating to the cooking area, but leave the walls on the part in which a meal is prepared, for a relaxed decoration.

Small cuisine

In a small kitchen you need to resort to tricks to optimize the space as much as possible. Ideally, in such a kitchen you would adapt to all furniture on a wall. The table can be folding on the wall. You can use it when you eat and in the rest of the time I hold it and then create the space necessary for the activities you are doing in the room.

Rectangular cuisine

A rectangular cuisine, even if it is large, limits you the positioning of a central part, such as the bar or island. But these variants are possible, provided that the room is large and the central piece is small enough to leave the movement of movement. However, the chances of provision of rectangular cuisine are numerous. It is possible to provide a single wall or assembly furniture L O U, the essential condition is to leave a maneuvering space.

Open space cuisine

Open space cuisine has countless advantages. In fact, it unites two of the important rooms of the house: the kitchen and the living room. Wherever you sit, you will have the feeling of being in a very large room. This type of space facilitates communication between family members involved in various activities. However, it is essential to make sure that in an open space cuisine you have a strong hood, to prevent the spread of the smell during cooking. At the same time, the two rooms must be constantly ventilated.

An open space cuisine will be separated from the living room by a bar or an island organized on the side by the living room as a meal or a bar place. The furniture in an open space kitchen will be installed on the opposite side of the living room, but can also be arranged in the form of L or U, depending on the available space

In conclusion, for the arrangement of the kitchen in a house you have unlimited possibilities, but the most important thing is to do a very good and complete plan before starting the job, so that the result is what you want.

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