Wabi Sabi in Decoration: New Zen Trend

Zen Wabi Sabi trend : What is it? REAL «Art of Living»You will discover in this article the Origins Wabi Sabi, this trend from elsewhere! Expression inherited from Japanese philosophy of lifeI also share one of mine spiritual experiences lived during mine Japan’s journey. Finally, I give you codes for yours interior decoration According to philosophy Wabi Sabi.

Wabi Sabi: Japanese philosophy of life

Initially, Wabi meant sadness, loneliness and desolation … gradually, Wabi refers to simplicityalharmony With the natureto the notion ofhumility.
Say Reference toalteration of objectsto Beauty of things glossy from time.

THE Wabi Sabi It is so a art of life in which we We are just happy. Live Simple life, accept And appreciate theCar -impycanza One you Monde. Like other Japanese concepts, we can say that the Wabi Sabi It is felt in all areas of life: imperfection And modesty !

To return to Origins of Wabi SabiYou must contact the tea ceremony.
During my trip to Japan, in total immersion in the country thanks to my Japanese friend Toshi, I had the opportunity to participate in a tea ceremony. It is with great pleasure that I share this spiritual experience and its codes for you.

8 Wabi Sabi Interior Design Ideas: Embracing Imperfections

May 2009, departure for a Japan’s journeycountry that makes me dream and inspires me for many years … the first time for me that I took the plane …, thanks to mine Japanese friendI will live a Exceptional stay ! Wednesday 20 May, Toshi takes us to a Tea house To discover the tea ceremonyTrue traditional ritual influenced by Zen Buddhism. As you can see in the photos below, Toshi himself, having been started by a Tea Mastergo prepare Then we Serve Match green tea For tasting … Whaoo !! At the same time I am very impressed and so happy to be able to live such an experience !!

THE ceremony begins with a Purification ritual: After welcoming its guests, the master tea positions each accessories in its place (bowl, kettle, tea box, long bamboo ladle, bamboo whisk, simple and refined ceramic). Then came the Preparation phase while following a Very precise ritual. The drink then presented itself under a slightly foamy consistency.
For the tastingThe tea is first served to the guest of honor. When my turn arrived, I respected the ritual following:

  • greet The next guest
  • Raise the bowl (sign of respect for the host)
  • turn the bowl 2 times clockwise
  • Drink two and a half sips You combine you one suck the last sip well (The small suction noise is very important because it allows the tea master to understand that the tasting has ended)
  • Finally, rest the bowl In front of me (front front towards me, knowing that I drank on the opposite side)

At a time when I write these lines, this spiritual experience took place over 10 years ago … I keep one magnificent memoryI also have the feeling that it was yesterday, so this moment era unique

Wabi Sabi: Zen Decoration Trend

Fundamental notions

To compose to Universi Wabi Sabi in yours decoration and yours Interior DesignI offer you some Fundamental notions Follow:

  • simplicity: Sober layout using the least possible materials possible
  • asymmetry: Irregular forms are privileged
  • otherness: Conservation of natural objects, if they have been a little damaged, it’s even better!
  • freedom: Your imagination will be your best ally for the development of your space
  • absence of claim: «bling bling» and artificial objects do not have their place in this universe
  • calm: calm and tranquility must be favored in your decoration and in your Wabi Sabi layout

Choice of materials and objects

THE raw materials, worn -out, unrealized like the Bois and the Pierre they are ideal for creating a Universa Zen Wabi Sabi. For them objectsof pots In terracottaOR Second hand objects A bit used will find their place in this atmosphere where the’Imperfection of things It is presented. Any accumulation of object must be avoided since this trend of decoration supports the simplicity. THE light colors And neutral evoking natural elements They will be your best allies. Finally the Natural materials like the LinTHE cottonTHE hemp They are highly appreciated in this aesthetic concept.

To summarize, yours Interior Design and yours decoration «trend Wabi Sabi »Compose with the Imperfect beauty of thingstheSubtle art thecraft AND natural colors. There is no room for the superfluous in this Japanese spiritual and aesthetic concept …

To go further

Wabi Sabi Moodboard: Planche d’Ambiance

To help you project more in a Universi Wabi SabiI made you a Mood Board. It is actually a Creative visual tool which I use in my interior decoration projects. The Moodboard, also called Room cardIt allows you to present the desired atmosphere Your decorative project.

During my last renovationI was also very inspired by this Ambiance wabi… gave me the idea of Create a furniture To present theOne of my videos on mine YouTube channel.

Reading ideas

To aspire to a Raler rhythm of lifeaa More weighted consumptionD ‘Other trends of the Zen decoration invites, in their own way, AA Subtle art One you minimalism. Deco, Hygge, Glamping OR Esprit Lagom Combine these new Zen trends. I will have the opportunity to present them in future articles, to discover in my category «Art of Living».

Some books on the subject for Learn any other:

Don’t hesitate to tell me in the comments if you liked this article and above all if this new Zen trend inspires you or not at all?
Has Oodboard help you project yourself in this universe Wabi Sabi?

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